The Renaissance Space Podcast
The Renaissance Space Podcast is an opportunity to showcase all that global education has to offer. Each month we'll be uploading an episode focussing on a trending or hot topic within the education community. We'll be chatting to guests from all corners of the education sector. Who are we? Margaret Allen - Bringing with her a wealth of experience and an established educational professional network. As a former teacher, Margaret brings her own knowledge and understanding of how the education sector operates, specifically with EdTech and Primary Schools. Website: https://uk.renaissance.com/resources/podcasts/
The Renaissance Space Podcast
How to crack the code of reading
Michelle Thomas, Director of Education will share how the School of Research Science in Dubai continues to develop its reading culture. Her leadership and in depth knowledge of English teaching comes to the fore as she articulates how the reading culture, with a predominantly Emiratis intake, enables children to develop their reading skills. Confident in their assessment of the children's reading ability the School is able to plan lessons, intervention strategies and measure progress across all year groups. They have even introduced a program for the younger children as they develop their decoding skills to support their reading comprehension.
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Enjoy the episode!
We believe every learner can be successful and empowering teachers is integral to school success.
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