The Renaissance Space Podcast

Joy and truth at the heart of a good book

Renaissance Learning

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Our returning guest for this episode is Jeffrey Boakye - an author, broadcaster and educator with a particular interest in issues surrounding race, masculinity, education and popular culture. Together, Jeffrey and Margaret discuss the benefits of reading and why our perspective on it needs to change.

Jeffrey taught English to 11- to 18-year-olds for 15 years and now provides training for schools, universities and businesses on race, identity, masculinity and education. He is also Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Manchester’s Institute for Education and received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters from the University of Leicester in January 2023.

Jeffrey’s published books include 'Musical Truth: A Musical Journey through Modern Black Britain' (winner of the Quiz Writers’ Choice Secondary Non–Fiction Award 2023), and 'Musical World: Modern World History as You’ve Never Heard it Before' (recently selected as the Accelerated Reader Book of the Week).

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